Flywrench is a game having mostly to do with electronics either exploding or grinding together while sparking and malfunctioning. The former, of course, being the gameplay, and the second, counter-intuitively, is the background music.
The main point of the game is to get from one end of the level to the other, using the mechanics that color your ship to pass through the different gates, the mechanics that make you turn... and that pretty much the extent of that. Even with the simple mechanics, the gameplay is actually pretty varied, with all kinds of different situations to get through with the mechanics. The movement controls also lend to some really nice movement if you're good at it, but you have to be REALLY GOOD, or else you will die. A lot.
The story is pretty nonexistent. You start on a screen that tells you that you are a ship, and you need to get to the center of the galaxy by hacking gates. You then are shown that you are in the galaxy, and the screen goes over to Pluto, on which you start. Not to spoil anything, the story gets much more intriguing towards the end, but seems like it's leading up to something that never arrives, or a big letdown, depending on what you see in the end.
The graphics. That's all i'm going to say. Just look up at the title, and you've seen it all. The music is not much better either, and these are the two worst parts of the game. I think that the graphics look really interesting. It might put off some people, but it has a chance of being good. The music, on the other hand, sounds like you took several cars, messed with the horn speakers, continually held down the horn WHILE activating the alarm, on and off, over and over again, crashing the CaRS INtoEACH OTHER, OVER AND OVER, NEVERSTOPPINGNEVERSTOPPINGOHMYGODtHYreCOMinGTOGETMEEE!!!
*huff, huff* okay, so clearly the handmade electronica style music, with ACTUAL ELECTRONICS, was not a good idea, but all in all it's not a bad experience, just simply due to the great gameplay and how everything moves together. If, you're interested, give it a look. Just mute the audio first, or you'll know what happened last sunday in New Jersey.
so much insanity...