Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Battlefield Bad Company 2:

This is a first person shooter with action elements which was released on March 2, 2010. Like my last review, I played this game on the PC, however this game has been released on multiple platforms like the Xbox and the Play Station 3. Now I would recommend playing games on the PC because this is the platform which is generally released first. Also you have control over graphics and if you would rather have a higher frames per second, then you can drop the graphics.

Now for the actual review. This game has fun game play but ends up being less and less unrealistic. Some things are realistic like the weapons, for instance they mostly have the right name and look good. Although I do know that the damage values are completely incorrect. Like in every single FPS ever made on the planet.

The game does have a decent story line, but it is completely fictional. Some people may not appreciate that very much knowing that a ton of people loved the C.O.D. series. Although I do have to clarify that although the C.O.D. series is fictional it has places that are real and wars that actually happened. This game is not like that. You fight a fictional war to find a *Spoiler Start* weapon that does amazing things and if certain people get there hands on it the world will end and explode or something like that *Spoiler End*.

One thing that really is cool about this game is the destruction physics. There is this one level where you get held up in a *Spoiler Start* small building and get blasted by a tank *Spoiler End*. Destruction physics add a lot of cool effects which many main stream games don't have. Like COD Black Ops. Destruction physics would make that game a lot better and a lot harder.

Although I would not choose this game as the best game ever, I would give it a 2.25/5. It has a lot of cool things like vehicles and stuff like that, but it isn't super good. It gets a C at best and has a short campaign that you can blow through in a couple of days with a minimal of around two hours a day. So I would not beg you to play this game but it not bad and not good either.

Rating: 2.25/5

Here are some screen shots:


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